Several compliments in hosting and compared in many creative and personable likeness to the wonderful Sandra Smith-Doghmi, President and Founder of Red Carpet (a concierge since 1991), Asha, named, "It Happens With Asha," by Sandra, was proud to announce a few of her own UR Artists as winners. Amongst them were prominent business owners and community leaders in very diverse categories and established by decades of success and history, to the emerging!
asha spacek shown after ceremony- dress designed same day by in-house designer JSN; jewelry courtesy of mali jewelry; image by steve starr
UR David Andreiw was name Up/Coming Male Actor, UR Spokes Model & Celeb Health/Wellness Expert Shea Vaughn, Hair Director Juan Jose Herrera, and Up/Coming Female model Alexandra Rubio were honored.

shea vaughn

ur model/actor david broke from filming in from LA to receive his award

ur fashion/commercial/fitness model maggie showed to support fellow ur artists

ur fashion/glamour/fitness model gina lovely as always made appearance