January 2011- There's no way you could flip pass the new UR SuperModels' Fabbri Furs ad of Today's Chicago Woman Magazine! Promoted to page 5- which is really like page 2 when you open the mag- and right next to the "Table of Contents," shows appreciation on, and for, all parties involved. In case you missed the January issue of TCW Magazine, our UR Artists Division, featuring lead creative director Asha Spacek, and fashion division model Yelena Fedorchenko, were once again hired by oak street furrier, Fabbri Furs to create a posh new ad campaign for the affluent local magazine. It's no secret that you can't open a magazine or see a runway show these days that don't incorporate fur [somehow] into the fashion forwards' wardrobe- even if just muffs, a vest, or a hat.
UR SuperModels artists division commenced the relationship by creating a December ad for the young and suave up-and-coming private boutique. No stranger to the lavish streets of Oak and Walton Street in Chicago, Fabbri navigates by meshing their international indulgence, with traditional local boutique hospitality, adding creative edge and style, not only through their personally designed furs, but now evoked through their promotional image. Owners, Sergio & Brian were excited to work with Asha- trusting her vision to create a versed age and lifestyle outline for their December ad to coincide with the commercial holiday season, while going slight risque' for the January ad to blend New Year's colors mixed with freedom and warm sex appeal. The new campaign has received rave reviews, as this is a new direction than what is normally seen on such a traditional block of past favorite retailers and private shops. Owners on both sides, are excited about their future endeavors and continuously using UR SuperModels, UR Artists, and Asha Spacek for more brand consulting affairs. To be continued...