Lindsay Gillen takes the win for "Sexiest Woman of the Year," voted by the International & American public. Narrowed down to over a dozen vivacious hopefuls, UR SuperModels' Lindsay self promoted, encouraged, and advertised the benefit to being seen by a new audience. Lindsay -usually seen as a Glamour model is now venturing more into beauty, limited fashion, and even commercial/acting. The follow up full page cover, additional print image plus interview will debut come February issue for the Australian print/digital talent magazine.
There were several other UR SuperModels who made the final cut of choices as well. We are extremely proud of our ladies who prove, they can also have a little innocent fun :)
lindsay's ur supermodels profile: www.ursf17.blogspot.com
Here is Lindsay's most recent beauty shot:

submitted image photography credit: waiting confirmation
beauty image credit: waiting confirmation